What makes us different?


With over 30 years experience in business leadership, across start-ups and multinational organisations, Lynne has developed a coaching approach to support individuals at critical points in their careers.

Lynne helped me distinguish between goals which are immediately achievable and those which are unrealistic. Through perceptive questioning, I was able to analyse the current blocks in our business process and strategy development. This enabled me to design a new business process, which could be quickly tested with existing clients and scaled up later.
— Managing Director, Financial Services



Coaching provides a safe, confidential, non-judgemental environment where an individual can explore strategies and ideas, in order to develop and articulate their goals.

It enables individuals to access more of their abilities to fulfil their potential, and better understand the context in which they operate.

Through the reflective lens of coaching, individuals are able to see events and their behaviour from different perspectives, leading to increased self-awareness.

A coach is the catalyst that allows an individual to make the changes needed to meet their goals, delivering tangible outcomes.



Coaching programmes that are individually tailored to provide maximum value and benefit to both the individual and to the sponsoring organisation (if there is one).

Programmes consist of a preparation phase, that includes a chemistry session and a meeting (including business sponsor where applicable) to agree outcomes, stakeholder input (360 reviews) as appropriate, followed by a series of 1-to-1 in-person or zoom coaching sessions, as well as mid and end-of programme reviews.



Top performing organisations are embracing a coaching-led culture – how does this affect people in leadership positions today?

Peter Drucker, known for his thoughts on management, postulates that "The leader of the past knew how to TELL; the leader of the future will know how to ASK." The old ‘command and control’ style is being replaced by a more collaborative approach.

Leaders who coach get the best results – they listen to ideas, challenge thinking, serve as a sounding board, and take the time to understand what individuals need, to operate at their full potential.

We offer Team Coaching programmes to build high performant teams through the Purpose-Connected Practice and coaching consulting to enhance the coaching capacity of managers and leaders.